

Jewel Digital Ventures Sdn Bhd (JDV or the Company) operates at high standards of conduct and integrity and is committed to the elimination of corruption. JDV ensures that all activities are conducted ethically with full transparency and accountability among its employees. We adopt a Bribery-Corruption Free Business Environment from any forms of bribery and corruption, and take a stern stance against such acts.

1. Corruption Management

1.1. This policy applies to any corruption, or suspected corruption, involving Directors and employees as well as shareholders, consultants, vendors, contractors, outside agencies, doing business with employees of such agencies and/or any other parties with a business relationship with the Company.

1.2. JDV is committed to the prevention of corruption, by all parties as stated in paragraph 1.1 above. It will be dealt with seriously, wherever it is found.

1.3. Directors and employees of the Company must not be engaged in any illegal activity and must not, in the performance of their duties, commit any act of corruption.

1.4. Employees found to have participated in fraudulent acts as defined by this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, pursuant to the Human Resources policies and procedures. Similarly, Directors will also be subject to action as applicable under the laws and provisions of the Companies Act. JDV reserves the right to press charges against Director/employee(s) and/or to report any criminal act to the relevant authorities.

1.5. In any event, the Company reserves the right to sue Director/employee(s) in accordance with the laws of Malaysia in order to force restitution of any loss that companies within the Company may have suffered.

1.6. The personnel files of employees disciplined under the above-mentioned circumstances shall record the reason for the disciplinary action. Employees discharged under this policy shall not be re-employed. The guidelines concerning corruption reporting (whistle blowing); procedures for investigation and protection to whistle-blowers shall be governed by the Whistle Blowing Policy.

2. Whistleblowing

2.1. The key components of the whistle blowing provisions include protection against retaliation for specific categories of persons, namely chief executive officer, company secretary, internal auditor, and any officer responsible for preparing or approving financial statements or financial information as well as external auditors who report to the relevant authorities on the wrongdoings by the Company in good faith.

2.2 The provision provides statutory protection to the whistle-blower from any retaliation in the form of dismissal, harassment or discrimination at work, or any action in court, in respect of the disclosure made by the whistle-blower to the regulators. Nonetheless, no obligation is imposed on officers of the Company to report the wrong doings to the relevant authorities.

2.3. Concerns may be raised verbally or in writing in the following manner:

  1. Telephone call to Head of Finance at 03-2181 2795;
  2. Private meeting with Head of Finance;
  3. Written letter addressed to the Head of Finance at:
    Jewel Digital Ventures Sdn Bhd
    Level 23, Menara PNB, 201-A Jalan Tun Razak
    50400 Kuala Lumpur; or
  4. Email to Head of Finance at

2.4. However, whistleblowing is not intended to cover matters that are covered by other procedures such as the following:

  1. Complaints about the Company’s services;
  2. Personal grievances concerning an individual's terms and conditions of employment, or other aspects of the working relationship, complaints of bullying or harassment, which should be dealt with under procedures on grievance;
  3. Disciplinary matters other than that of corruption that are covered under the Human Resources Policy and Procedures.

2.5. All reports on corruption and information received shall be treated in confidence to the fullest extent possible.

3. Code of Ethics

All members of the Board of Directors and employees as well as all agents and/or consultants shall comply with the Company's Code of Ethics. This policy states how the Company expects all employees to conduct themselves, and acceptance of gifts, hospitality, and potential conflicts of interest to be declared. A register of interests, gifts and hospitality must be maintained and subject to periodic review, in accordance with the Code. For details of the Code, kindly click here.